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关于组织我校教师赴吉林大学 参加“Educating Renaissance Humans in the Age of Collective Intelligence” 讲座的通知

2017年04月17日 15:01  点击:[]

关于组织我校教师赴吉林大学 参加“Educating Renaissance Humans in the Age of Collective Intelligence” 讲座的通知


为促进教学发展,更新教师教学理念,提升教师教学能力,教务处教师教学发展中心现组织我校教师赴吉林大学,参加“Educating Renaissance Humans in the Age of Collective Intelligence”教学讲座。现将有关内容通知如下:






Peter Gloor教授,为麻省理工学院斯隆商学院研究型科学家。他将自己的学术成果应用到实践,并成立galaxyadvisors公司。他主要研究社会关系网络的分布,用社会关系网络的研究方法解决多个学科的问题。同时,Peter Gloor教授在瑞士GDI研究所、德国科隆大学、芬兰阿尔托大学、智利康赛普西翁大学等国际知名大学均具有亲密的合作关系并兼任学术职位。目前发表专著8本,论文总数近170篇,其中期刊论文占50余篇。他的观点曾被《华尔街》,《自然》,《科学新闻》,BBC,华盛顿邮报 ,麻省理工学院科技评论,瑞士电视台,奥地利电视台等多家媒体采访和引用。


English Abstract:

The scholastic ideal in Renaissance was toeducate man to become a master of all disciplines. Our current education systemteaches too much conventional thinking, and not enough creativity andinnovation. In fact, we are doing an exceptional job in killing creativity ofyoung students. To become successful Renaissance Humans, we need a new type ofcurriculum, one that does not teach what is the capital of Kazakhstan, but onethat teaches how to find new solutions to new problems, where to find what, andwhom to trust. Most importantly, this curriculum also needs to teach how toinnovate and collaborate with others over the Internet, crossing barriers oflanguage, geography, and culture. This is where the framework of CollaborativeInnovation Networks (COINs) comes in, which takes first steps towardsdeveloping such a curriculum educating renaissance humans.

This talk will introduce the COINs coursewhich has been taught for the last 12 years as an anti-MOOC (Massive OpenOnline Course) to students forming virtual teams participating from places likeChangchun, Bamberg, Boston, Savannah, Helsinki, Cologne, Rome, Seoul, or Chile,with majors in business, education, design, computer science, or sociology etc.In this course students use and analyze social media to answer complexquestions impacting society. Questions discussed in this talk are:

- What are the skills that are mostimportant for Renaissance Humans?

- What matters more: collaborativecompetition (model “topcoder”, i.e. online competitions) or competitivecollaboration (model “stackoverflow”, i.e. collaborative problem solving)?

- How can such an environment be made toscale?

- How can we better make use of thetransactive memory available at our fingertips by connecting with likemindedpeople to solve humanity’s large problems?



- 文艺复兴时代的人类最重要的技能是什么?

- 合作竞争还是竞争合作,哪个更重要?

- 这样的环境如何才能规模化?

- 如何更好地利用我们的指尖与同类人交流,并利用交互式记忆来解决我们的难题?






  教务处 教师教学发展中心    


上一条:关于开展提升教师教学发展能力系列活动之 “工程教育专业认证与专业建设研修班”的通知 下一条:关于组织我校吉林大学 参加“基于翻转课堂的大学生创新创业能力培养” 创新创业教育系列活动的通知





教务处 大学生创新创业教育学院 教师教学发展中心

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